5 Reasons Your Midwife Wants You to Hire a Doula – Preparing For Birth


While hiring an doula isn’t an absolute necessity, it is becoming more and more popular among new mothers and for very good reasons. A doula can help during a home labor by preparing the birthing space and tending to your other children during tense moments. A doula can provide you and your baby much-needed comfort and support during labor and in the days afterward. A doula is really there to to do whatever you need during this critical time, including calling family members and walking the dog.

Key Takeaways:

  • Doulas are becoming very popular among new mothers and for very good reasons.
  • If new mother doesn’t have support from her family, friends, or community, a doula is a necessity.
  • A doula can provide comfort and care to you and your baby, or simply help out with household chores such as feeding the dog.

“Pretty much any experienced midwife is going to have the skill set and competence you need in order to stay low-risk, healthy, empowered, and safe.”

Read more: https://prepforbirth.com/2019/05/5-reasons-your-midwife-wants-you-to-hire-a-doula/

Virtual Doula Services

Chrissi Long - Birth Alchemy Coach

Chrissi is a Birth Alchemy Coach and the founder of blissfulbirthing.com which helps mamas-to-be tap into their body’s innate wisdom and divine feminine power to birth naturally.

With 6 natural childbirths Chrissi’s mission is to rewrite the societal story that it has become “normal” to see birth as a medical condition.

One that’s excruciating and completely out of a woman’s control and not the beautiful biological process that it truly is.

She’s helped hundreds of women go from petrified of the pain and disempowered to embracing the experience and having a fully natural and blissful birth that they cherish the memory of forever more.