5 Women Told Us What a Home Birth Is Really Like


The relaxing and familiar environment that goes along with a home birth is drawing more and more American women towards choosing this option themselves. Sarah Bregel reports that her home birth made her feel more in control, as well as much more calm throughout the process. She was able to walk around her home as she pleased, and even sway or sit on a nursing ball when she felt necessary. She claims that the most unpleasant part of this was the stitching process after labor.

Key Takeaways:

  • Even though home births in the U.S. can be riskier than if they take place in a hospital, some women still choose to do this with a trained mid-wife and other supports in place.
  • Some women feel more comfortable giving birth in their home, utilizing their own bedding, a birthing ball, and even a small pool.
  • Because a home birth is a more natural option, some women describe the feeling of labor as almost euphoric.

“The women we spoke with describe their experience giving birth at home, and which parts of the home birth experience surprised them most.”

Read more: https://www.vice.com/en_us/article/a3k5xz/women-home-birth-experience?site=tonic

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Chrissi Long - Birth Alchemy Coach

Chrissi is a Birth Alchemy Coach and the founder of blissfulbirthing.com which helps mamas-to-be tap into their body’s innate wisdom and divine feminine power to birth naturally.

With 6 natural childbirths Chrissi’s mission is to rewrite the societal story that it has become “normal” to see birth as a medical condition.

One that’s excruciating and completely out of a woman’s control and not the beautiful biological process that it truly is.

She’s helped hundreds of women go from petrified of the pain and disempowered to embracing the experience and having a fully natural and blissful birth that they cherish the memory of forever more.