“Matrescence”: The Developmental Transition to Motherhood


Matrescence is the process of becoming a mother for the first time. The emotions a woman experiences can vary widely, as the attachment to her baby grows. Contrasting with adolescence, matrescence has pheremonal, physical, and emotional attachment to another being, on an elevated level. The mother has responsibilities and new emotions for her offspring, but still has her old needs as well. Her desires for social interaction, career, romance, are still intact, and can often come in conflict with her newfound connection to her baby.

Key Takeaways:

  • The term “matrescence” was coined in 1973 by Dana Raphael, who also made the term “doula” popular.
  • Many women believe they are experiencing postpartum depression when they are actually undergoing typical experiences common to new mothers.
  • Matrescence is a period where a new mom is struggling to balance her own physical needs with those of her new baby.

“Science and culture keep us well informed about the physical and psychological changes adolescents experience in their bodies, hormones, relationships, and identities.”

Read more: https://www.psychologytoday.com/gb/blog/motherhood-unfiltered/201904/matrescence-the-developmental-transition-motherhood?fbclid=IwAR3sjvrUadG073dF6b-mVHg05G68ekRgbZX-C-GK1KjK9KKk8Jwp_x7YAdo

Virtual Doula Services

Chrissi Long

Chrissi is the founder of blissfulbirthing.com which helps mamas-to-be tap into their body’s innate wisdom and divine feminine power to birth naturally.

With 6 natural childbirths Chrissi’s mission is to rewrite the societal story that it has become “normal” to see birth as a medical condition.

One that’s excruciating and completely out of a woman’s control and not the beautiful biological process that it truly is.

She’s helped hundreds of women go from petrified of the pain and disempowered to embracing the experience and having a fully natural and blissful birth that they cherish the memory of forever more.