Home birth for one first time mom is her decision but does not reflect on other mother’s and the choices that they make. Home births cost less than hospital births, but they are rarely covered by insurance. You prepare and prepare, and realize you are not prepared at all. Incontinence is not your water breaking and you can test for it, so you are not mistaken. A positive swap does mean that your water has broken. Typically you will go into active labor 12-24 hours after your water breaks but you can drink a castor-oil smoothie to induce labor. The expectant mother gathered her friends and had planned on broadcasting her birth live to 60 of her closest friends. She had planned on a water birth in her living room. They recommend not to get into the water until the last minute so it is most effective at soothing the mother. You can feel a sense of disappointing people when you take too long. It is recommended that you have a midwife for the medical part of the birth and a doula for emotional support. If your labor stops Midwives cannot administer pitocin outside of a hospital setting so they use herbs and nipple stimulation. Labor can invoke many emotions, of fear, of failure, of triumph, even agony as the pain overtakes you. You push until you feel the “Ring of Fire” and the baby is crowning. The celebration and joy that you have with your family and friends is amazing.
Key Takeaways:
- There is no way for you or anyone else to predict how your birth experience will unfold.
- Labor usually starts between 12 and 24 hours after your water breaks, a much slower process than what is typically depicted in movies.
- You might think you want to share your birth experience with many others, but it is possible you could change your mind and need privacy.
“I realize that this birth for me was about letting go of what other people thought of me, and, recognizing that I can do things myself.”