Mothers who are in labor are often asked to accommodate the doctor’s schedule. However, this can have drastic consequences on the mother’s and baby’s health, because in most circumstances, it is nearly impossible to hold in a baby. Many women around the globe are talking about their birthing experiences and how nurses and doctors encouraged the mothers in labor to “hold in” their children, or wait just a little bit longer. This is only expected to get worse because America is experiencing a shortage of labor doctors who simply cannot keep up with the demand. This is bad news for mothers because research shows that holding in a baby can cause pelvic muscle damage and other birthing complications.
Key Takeaways:
- Recently, momentum has been growing in the medical obstetrics community to allow women to be in tune with their bodies and push when they sense it is time.
- According to Chief of Gynecology at UCLA San Diego Dana Gossett, a woman’s labor should progress naturally and not be dependent upon when their doctor arrives.
- OB-GYN providers are torn because they are overloaded with patients and do not have enough providers to attend to office hours and deliveries.
“Loveland said the nurses made her hold off on pushing until the doctor arrived.”